With this release, we have implemented the following features within the audience builder screen

  • Tagging functionality for audiences on the listing screen. The introduction of new tags for each audience facilitates the identification of audience levels (1P, 2P, 3P, or GenPop), accompanied by details of the targeting segments linked to the audience (such as interests, behaviors, hashtags, keywords, and in-market affinity).
  • Advanced filter enabled for Segment types associated with the audience. Applying a platform filter now triggers an additional filter option for segment types within the advanced filter section.

  • Hashtag support enabled for tiktok platform in the supported regions.

Targeting with hashtags has been activated for TikTok, accompanied by the capability to estimate the addressable audience. Furthermore, real-time updates of the audience size are now available during the creation/edit workflow.

For detailed help on the Shopalyst Audience Library and the Audience recommendations, please visit this article.