We are excited to announce the release of a new Planned vs Actual reporting feature on our Performance Dashboard. This update introduces a new chart that compares planned metric values with actual performance at both the campaign and overall levels. You can now monitor how campaigns are performing not just with delivery information, but against prior planned values as well.

Key Highlights

  • Detailed Comparison: The new chart displays a side-by-side comparison of planned and actual metric values. This chart is available both under campaign performance and overall performance dashboards (Full Funnel / All Campaigns).
  • Visual Indicators: Color-coded percentage values clearly indicate whether metrics are on track, exceeding expectations, or falling short.
  • Multiple Metrics: Ability to switch between different metrics including impressions, spend, CPM, and reach to get specific insights.
  • Platform Filters: Ability to filter performance data by different platforms to analyse results specific to each platform (applicable only on overall dashboards).

Getting Started

  1. Navigate to Campaign Performance / Full Funnel / All Campaigns and click on Visibility -> Explore.
  2. Locate the new "Planned vs Actual " chart.
  3. Switch between different metrics (impressions, spend, CPM, reach) to analyse specific data points.

Know more about performance monitoring in the following articles: