This article outlines the required inputs for auditing make-good responses, the step-by-step process to be followed, and the expected outputs to be delivered.
To learn how to upload the RO Master and MG Response files using the TV AdBuy Manager App, click here.
Inputs required
RO Master - To be uploaded using the TV AdBuy Manager
MG Response - To be uploaded using TV AdBuy Manager
ADEX - To be uploaded to shared Google Drive
BARC - To be uploaded to shared Google Drive
Details on Google Drive folders shall be shared separately.
Please ensure that all the files are in .xlsx format for consistency and ease of processing.
Expected frequency of file uploads
RO Master - Once, at the start of the month
MG Response - As required
ADEX - Once a week
BARC - Once a week
Please ensure timely uploads to maintain the efficiency of the audit process. All errors found while processing the files shall be intimated via email. The files can be corrected and re-uploaded for further processing.
Expected naming convention of input files
Please ensure that the tab name is correctly followed as per the guidelines to facilitate proper processing.
Expected format of input files
The tables below describe the headings expected in each of the input files.
1. RO Master
2. MG Response
How to run the process?
Upload the RO Master at the start of the month
Upload BARC
Upload MG response documents. The MG Auditing will done based on documents uploaded in steps 1, 2 & 3
Upload ADEX (Will be used for RO Master reconciliation)
Auditing of RO and MG Response will be based on the latest available ADEX and BARC data in the Shopalyst system.
Reports that will be shared are:
- RO Master Audit report: At the end of the month via Google Drive.
- MG Response Audit report: After each MG response is uploaded, via mail.
The outputs shall be shared with the stakeholders for the MG Audit process.
Looking for more help? Instructions to reach out to support are here.